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  • AutorenbildJoerg Dao.

Secrets of mental chess.

Peter Svidler seems to like talking over playing chess very muuch...

No, no, no. It doesn´t work like that.

If you want to become a champion, you already have to live and behave like one.

And chess is also all about secrets. That you have. And that you hold dear to yourself.

So giving an outlandish commentary during a very important tournament didn´t turn out for Peter Svidler.

He is one of the most amazing chess players on this planet.

And at the same time, absolutely humble, friendly and with stellar commentaries during important chess tournaments. But when you spill out all of your euphoric energies into a commentary, than there is not enough mental energy left for your next games. So stay calm, secretive. Only give some hints, leave the people in their own questioning about you. Thereby you build up mental energies. And can use them during your next games. Peter Svidler won his round 3 match against german Nr. 1 Nisipeanu. But than had to bulg against french super-star MVL in round 4.

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